Screen Shake

Screen shake in FishFight is accessed through the Camera node in the scene. It has multiple functions to apply different kinds of noise.

To camera node is accessed as follows:

fn main() {
let mut camera = scene::find_node_by_type::<crate::game::GameCamera>().unwrap();

Unless you use the camera multiple times, it's better to not assign it to a variable but to use the value straight away:

fn main() {
let mut camera = scene::find_node_by_type::<crate::game::GameCamera>().unwrap().shake_noise(magnitude, length, frequency);

This prevents some ownership issues that would otherwise require separate scopes.


magnitude: How far the shake moves the screen in pixels. Values around 10-20 are sane.

length: For how long the shake will last in frames. The magnitude is multiplied by age/length to fade the shake over time.

frequency: 1 is normal, 0.2 is a punch. With a frequency of 0.2 and length of 10 frames it will oscillate max twice. 0.5 is more of a rumble. Worth noting is that shake_sinusodial has a different base frequency.

See this for more information.

Noise types

fn main() {
camera.shake_noise(magnitude: f32, length: i32, frequency: f32);

Shakes the screen around randomly using Perlin noise. Applicable for almost anything.

fn main() {
camera.shake_noise_dir(magnitude: f32, length: i32, frequency: f32, direction: (f32, f32));

Like shake_noise, but the X and Y components of the resulting shake will be multiplied by the direction tuple. Can be used to make the screen shake more on one axis than the other, or only on one axis.

fn main() {
camera.shake_sinusoidal(magnitude: f32, length: i32, frequency:f32, angle: f32);

Shakes the screen sinusoidally along the angle given in radians.

fn main() {
camera.shake_rotational(magnitude: f32, length: i32);

Rotates the scene around the screen's centre. Combines well with other types of screen shake for extra punchiness.